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Zeeshan Needs Your Help To Feed The Poor Outside Hospitals and homeless


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About the fundraiser

Anti Hunger Squad Foundation was started by Zeeshan Majeed. An Mba graduate from Kolkata. Food for around 150 people is prepared from home and is distributed to people in front of hospitals. Zeeshan hires a separate cook at home who makes food for around 150 people in a day. The families take the food for the patients. Zeeshan only gets time on Sundays and makes the most of it. He has covered almost all the government hospitals but usually targets Chittaranjan Hospital and NRS Hospital.

About Us


There has been massive disruption in food production, food delivery, and increased food prices. Countless people have been pushed into poverty due to job losses or illnesses. The hunger problem has only worsened over this year and many are struggling to find even one meal a day.

This problem can be acutely witnessed outside hospitals, especially government hospitals. People from rural hinterlands are forced to travel to the big cities in search of medical treatment. They are often poor and spend all their savings on reaching the city and getting medical care for their loved ones. Once in the city, they can’t afford a place to stay and can barely afford to buy food. They are left stranded outside government hospitals, waiting anxiously for news of their loved ones while they starve.

Zeeshan Majeed came across such a scene one day on his way to work. He found a man lying on the road and decided to take him to the hospital. While he was there, he was struck by the plight of all the families of patients. This inspired him to start a food distribution drive around various government hospitals and even private hospitals in Kolkata. Zeeshan started his food distribution in May 2018 and has been doing this every day since. The food is prepared at home and distributed to at least 150 people each day. On weekends, Zeeshan goes out to distribute food himself.

As more and more people fall sick, there are more families stranded outside hospitals. This prompted Zeeshan to increase his efforts and feed even more people. He needs your help to expand his food distribution drive. Donate groceries and help him feed the poor outside hospitals.



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